
中国的Beyond Meat | China's Beyond Meat

PBC 维根咨询PBC 2019-12-12


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The mock meat tradition has grown evermore popular in modern cuisine as plant-based, whole food diets and vegan lifestyles hit the mainstream across the globe.

珍肉就是这样一家公司: 他们要挑战传统古老的概念,要把肉类替代品现代化,时尚化 。

Zhen Rou is one such company that’s taking on the challenge of modernizing this age-old tradition of meat substitutes.

吕中茗,Vince Lu 是珍肉品牌的创始人兼CEO,珍肉的总部在在北京。来自中国。在此之前,他布局功能性蛋白棒市场,开创了知名品牌“腹愁者”;也曾在大豆蛋白行业的顾问。

Vince Lu, a Beijing resident is the founder of Zhen Rou, which is headquartered in the same city. Before Zhen Rou, he was a serial entrepreneur in the health foods industry. He founded the “Fuchouzhe” Protein bar brand, which is first Chinese protein bar. “Fuchouzhe” was a top brand among fitness-oriented consumers in China. He was also a consultant for several plant-based nutritional bars brands. 


We had the opportunity to interview the founder of Zhen Rou to find out more. 


Well, I am a 29-year-old materials engineer turned entrepreneur. I went to university in the US and I am originally from Harbin. 


Yes, my background is what led me to the food industry. The foundation of plant-based meat is rooted in the principles of “polymer science”. I went to the University of Illinois, and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made.


Honestly, it is a very personal story and I am happy to share it with VoS. When I moved to the US, I was bombarded with processed foods that were very unhealthy. It was not something I was used to growing up back home in China, and before I knew it, I was struggling with obesity. I gained a lot of weight and was more than 250 pounds. I am just under 180 cm tall! I struggled with this a lot, physically and emotionally. 


说出来不知道大家信不信,我在’YouTube”寻找健康之路,试过10多种不同的饮食方式:Paleo, Keto, 喝排毒果汁 什么的。我通过学习只吃自己做的食物,最后减掉了50斤,BMI指标也正常了。

Believe it or not, I YouTubed my way to health. I tried over 10 different diets: Paleo, Keto, juice cleansing and what not. I created my own diet from everything I learned, and I lost 50 pounds and returned to my normal BMI.



This is what convinced me about the connection between nutrition and fitness.


There is another story too. University life was hard on me, as I felt directionless most of the time. I did not know what to do with my life. One fine day, I was in driving Midwestern Illinois, with the weather of -20 °C, and lost control of the car. The car crashed, skidding on the slippery road, and it was the worst accident I have ever had in my life. Rescued and recovering in the hospital, I was told I cheated death. I survived with no damage at all. 


That day, I knew I needed to give back. I valued life and the gratitude that I was filled with cannot be expressed in words. “Live each day as if it was your last” as Steve Jobs put it.


I started my own venture in the health food industry and luckily, I had very supportive parents. My parents are career-oriented strong individuals who taught me how to be ruthless in the business world.


Two things

1. 选择长而宽的斜坡,让你的“雪球”生长。


Choose the slope long and wide for your “snowball” to grow. The snowball effect is a metaphor for compounding, coined  by Warren Bufett.  It explains how small actions carried out over time can lead to big results. The snowball compounds during its travel down the hill. The bigger it gets, the more snow it packs on with each revolution. So, choose a path that will sustain long-term growth. Don’t compromise long term goals for short term gains. Have a vision of where you see your company in 10 years and work toward that goal.

2 .产品/服务需要个性化


Your product/service needs to be personal

If what you are developing isn’t something that is linked to your life story, it is not going to be sustainable, no matter how good the business model is. When you face big challenges, you will give up if the product is not something you personally believe in.

将品牌命名为珍肉,英文取了珍的全拼叫Zhen Meat,定位是国民植物蛋白肉品牌,对标植物基仿真肉。目前大家所知道的就是Impossible food 和Beyond meat.

Vince告诉我们他认为中国消费者的观念已经在转型, 目前美国有4千万的素食人群,我国受教育程度较高的人群受到影响并已经开始消费植物蛋白。

珍肉要做5D 植物蛋白也就说从色香味声形(颜色;香味;口感;声音;形态)5个维度出发,用优质的植物蛋白和优质的水去研发产品。





Nowadays, the consumption of meat raises multiple concerns globally like wastage of land and water resources, greenhouse gas emissions from livestock, and increased cancer and disease rate from antibiotics. We are also facing great concerns in China this year due to the rise in pork prices. 

Zhenmeat is a tech-driven start-up that recruits talented team members from multidisciplinary backgrounds like synthetic biology, food tech, etc., and the branding team all have a background in the health foods industry.

We cater to the Chinese market and create formulas and solutions of plant-based “meat analog” products that meet Chinese consumers’ taste and nutritional needs. American companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods have made a great impact on the evolution of the plant-based diet, but they are not available in China right now. Zhenmeat’s methodology is to create “meat analog” products from a 5D (five dimensional) perspective including color, aroma, taste, sound and texture.


Plant-based meat products for Buddhists has been a well developed market for centuries. The plant meat products in the Chinese market now are designed for a specific audience and channels like temples and Buddhists restaurants. While Zhenmeat’s products are designed for mass market,  We  aim to create the perfect meat substitute for meat-lovers.  

目前种子轮融到500万人民币;天使轮还在进行中, 资金都来自国内。

We have already raised 5 Million RMB from team members and investors’ seeds funding, and we are now open to angel investor funding. 


There are two types of Zhenmeat products, one is completely vegan and one has egg. 


Beef.  It is premium animal meat product that the healthy active lifestyle followers in China eat for protein, more than pork.


Zhen Rou has 60% less saturated fats, and 0% cholesterol. We use pea protein, pea and potato fiber, coconut and olive oil for healthy fats. All of our additives are plant-based, natural ingredients and we aim to be as synthetic additives free as possible. In terms of calories, the estimation is in progress by specific labs and we will have accurate data on this soon. Increasing the iron component is next in our action plan. We are working on plant heme.


Correct! Plant-based heme production is our next goal. This will be the first time someone in China is attempting to create something like this. You will be the first to know when we succeed!


In the west, the focus is on fitness. From what I have seen it is more about how a person appears and looks. This is not necessarily about health. For me, the health in the health and fitness industry is far more significant, and my product will reflect this. Processed foods are not something I am a fan of. My aim is for our company to create something equivalent to animal meat, but it will be wholesome and synthetic-free.


We are two-thirds the price of animal beef. 


OMG! So cheap! When is the first launch?


Zhenmeat plans to launch in September on Tmall, JD, etc.

In partnership with Laodafang, we will release a co-branded Vegan Mooncake product, stuffed with Zhen Rou’s plant-based meat.


Yes, it will be available for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Orders can be placed from September 9th onwards on Taobao. The price is 88 RMB per box of 6 mooncakes. 


Our formula is going to continually evolve based on consumer feedback. We are happy to hear back from you.



Want to place order for VEGAN MEAT MOONCAKES?

You can enjoy them at 15% off! 

Special offer for Vegans of Shanghai followers!



Get your discount code order by texting 


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We will release information with the link to purchasing this product soon. Follow our account and stay tuned!


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